Regardless of whether you are worried that you do not have the knowledge required to pass an exam or whether you are already doing well at school and just looking to tone up your skills. You can put your trust in Strive Academy, that we can provide you with the ideal maths tutor in the eastern suburbs. When you step foot into our doors, you can put all the worries, the stress and the fears behind you because you’ll walk out feeling confident, energetic and ready to attack any maths question thrown your way. Let us prove it to you!
You are invited to a FREE 45-min assessment so we can get a better understanding of your learning capabilities. We then place you in your first free trial class, with students at the same level as you to see if we are the right fit for you. Now… there’s no catch. We do this because we 99% of students who attend the trial class are so happy they ask to join straight away. What are you waiting for? Still not convinced yet? What if we can guarantee you results?
We are so confident our tutors in the eastern suburbs can deliver you results within the first 60 days, if you do not see any significant improvements. You guessed it, we will refund you 100% of your money back, no questions asked. That’s our guarantee to you!